
Mon to Fri 6am – 9pm | Sat – Sun 8am – 8pm
(808) 575 7334 | Map

Silver ‘N Fit, and/or Active N’ Fit Programs (Kaiser sponsored plans)
These membership types are available to qualifying members thru their Kaiser health insurance coverage. The first step is to check with your healthcare provider to determine eligibility. Once you know that you qualify, you may start your membership at our club with no additional cost to you. Please bring your current Insurance card and Silver N Fit or Active N Fit card (if you have it) at time of setup.

Service Employees and Student Rates
We currently offer a discounted membership rate for individuals in a “service” position (teachers, county/state/federal employees, nurses, Union card holders, etc) as well as military, students, and eligible Senior citizens. If you would like to inquire regarding your eligibility for these rates please call
808-575-7334 or email [email protected] for details.

Corporate/Island Business Plans
We have several different plans available for group membership setup through your business or employer. If you believe you would like to start a group membership, or that your employer may already be participating, please call 808-575-7334 or email [email protected] for setup/eligibility information. This is another great way to save on gym membership dues.

Upcountry Fitness Pro Team
If you compete in a sport professionally and would like to inquire about how Upcountry Fitness may be able to help you achieve that competitive edge please email [email protected] for details and an application to join our Pro Team.

Upcountry Fitness Wellness Scholarship Programs
Coming soon, please keep an eye out for these special use opportunities.